Disclosure according to sec § 5 ECG and sec 25 para 2 and 4 Austrian Media Act
VALFORD Attorneys is a cooperation of independent attorneys-at-law:
Dr. Matthias Trummer, MSc
R-Code: R 181259
UID: ATU 68636112
Vienna Bar Association, Austria
Mag. Alexander Mazevski, LL.M.
R-Code: R 121024
UID: ATU 79325035
Vienna Bar Association, Austria
Media: Dr. Matthias Trummer, MSc┃Mag. Alexander Mazevski, LL.M.
Seat: Vienna
We are attorneys-at-law according to Austrian law and are subject to the relevant professional code of conduct (RAO, RL-BA, available at and and the supervision of the Vienna Bar Association.
Our lawyers have their registered office and relevant postal address in Gölsdorfgasse 4/5, 1010 Vienna, Austria. You can contact us via email at
This website serves as a communication medium and is directed to clients as well as to all other persons interested in legal matters. It further serves to introduce VALFORD Attorneys and its attorneys and to provide general information about the firm and legal matters.
The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute or replace legal advice. VALFORD Attorneys or Mr. Alexander Mazevski, LL.M. and Dr. Matthias Trummer, MSc assume no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information contained herein. There is also no responsibility for the content of external websites that link to this website or to which this website refers. The fact that this website links to an external website does not imply any endorsement of the content of that website.
Some information on this website may predate the establishment of VALFORD Attorneys or mention companies, organizations or individuals. Such information does not imply that they are current or former clients.
Some of the content on this website may be considered attorney advertising under the laws of certain states. In this regard, we would like to emphasize that past results are not a guarantee of a similar outcome.
Your access to this website or the mere sending of an email does not create an attorney-client relationship. According to the Austrian Bar Code, VALFORD Attorneys at Law or its attorneys are obliged to verify whether the representation of a client leads to a conflict of interest before entering into an attorney-client relationship with a client. Therefore, do not use any of the email addresses provided on this website to transmit any information that you consider confidential until you have spoken with and received permission from VALFORD Attorneys and/or its attorneys to do so.
The design of this website, including all content published therein, is protected by copyright. All rights reserved, in particular the right of exploitation, reproduction, distribution and translation.
This website was created by Sharobella e.U. All photos on this website were purchased from photo agencies.